How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome & Own Your Greatness!

  • Are you constantly questioning your achievements or feeling inadequate, regardless of how well you have performed?
  • Do you feel like you’re always working toward someone else’s goals, to the point that you are putting your own hopes, dreams, and career growth on hold?
  • Do you feel like you’re stuck running in place and getting nowhere?
  • As imposter syndrome affects your performance, self-care and happiness, do you wonder what steps you can take to manage stress and build greater confidence in your career?
  • Do you wish you could acknowledge your accomplishments and maximize your potential without becoming overwhelmed by stress or self-doubt?
  • Are you constantly questioning your achievements or feeling inadequate, regardless of how well you have performed?
  • Do you feel like you’re always working toward someone else’s goals, to the point that you are putting your own hopes, dreams, and career growth on hold?
  • Do you feel like you’re stuck running in place and getting nowhere?
  • As imposter syndrome affects your performance, self-care and happiness, do you wonder what steps you can take to manage stress and build greater confidence in your career?
  • Do you wish you could acknowledge your accomplishments and maximize your potential without becoming overwhelmed by stress or self-doubt?
Lisa Orbé-Austin Featured In

Enter your email here to join the Waitlist for the Own Your Greatness Masterclass in 2023!

This Masterclass is based on our book
Own Your Greatness: Overcome Impostor Syndrome,
Beat Self-Doubt, and Succeed in Life

Authored by Drs. Lisa and Richard Orbé-Austin

Find the Book Here:

Order Own Your Greatness: Overcome Impostor Syndrome, Beat Self-Doubt, and Succeed in Life on Amazon
Order Own Your Greatness: Overcome Impostor Syndrome, Beat Self-Doubt, and Succeed in Life on Barnes and Noble
Order Own Your Greatness: Overcome Impostor Syndrome, Beat Self-Doubt, and Succeed in Life

ClarifyWe’ll help you CLARIFY the central reasons why the imposter complex develops so you can examine those things more critically. You won’t just learn about common causes, either. Through our interactive approach, you’ll learn to evaluate your imposter origin story, acknowledge impostor syndrome symptoms, recognize triggers and trap doors, and change your narrative to support your ongoing success & well-being.

ChooseOwning your success and accomplishments starts when you CHOOSE to speak your truth. We’ll help you identify automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) that increase your fraud complex feelings of fraudulence so you can proactively deal with them instead of running yourself to the ground trying to cover them up. You will learn how to prioritize self-care, in order to create a compassionate, supportive routine that helps you value and care for yourself.

CreateTo CREATE change, you must take an assertive role in your self-growth. We’ll help you form a real, holistic picture of all the different factors that are holding you back and what you can do to tackle them. It’s not just about discussing the change you want to see, but learning how to execute that change in a way that works for you. That includes developing concrete skills and tools so you can experiment with new roles, build your dream team of support, and find the conditions for optimal performance.

What People Who Took the Masterclass are saying:

What were your results from the course?

  • Frida

    During this 12 weeks, I have set work and personal boundaries, dedicated more time to self-care, established stable and positive relationships, started my journal article again, regained my life, purpose, and passion

  • Marina

    I interviewed for a six figure Director-level role in my field with FULL confidence in myself, objectivity, articulating my accomplishments and skills very clearly with no anxiety or feelings of being an imposter.

  • Michelle

    My manager/director commented that she noticed a marked difference in my work in the last 6 weeks. She didn’t know what changed but I credit all of the work from this class. The last 12 weeks have been completely transformative. My confidence has improved, I am taking credit for my accomplishments and speak my voice at work meetings.

  • Lara

    I received and accepted a new job offer!

  • Liz

    Got a job offer for 60% more than my last salary.

  • Jane

    Gained the confidence to ask for a 24% salary increase and was offered 27% in return. Obtained back pay for the 8 months I was performing beyond my job position.

  • Jasmine

    Since starting I was able to increase my business income by 20.5%. I attribute this increase to my newfound ability to show-up, be vulnerable, and connect better with my clients through my story of self-doubt and impostor syndrome.

  • Melody

    I am working 60+ hours less every month and making the same salary!!!! I stopped working for free. This is huge in terms of being compensated fairly for my time.

Any surprise outcomes from the course?

  • Frida

    I feel happy and I have days where I am joyous for being. I feel like myself again.

  • Jane

    I'm surprised with how much nicer and accepting I am with myself compared to the beginning of the course.

  • Jasmine

    YES! The courage to submit my name for a TEDx talk, land it, and absolutely kill it!

  • Francesca

    Looking back, how funny it is to think about how AFRAID I was to raise issues or say my opinion in work meetings, because of my toxic insecure boss Each time it becomes easier to speak up!

  • Sara

    I’ve been openly discussing my imposter syndrome within the women’s group that I co-chair, and people have felt open and supported to start sharing their experiences with it.

  • Selma

    I feel better heard and seen by my husband after owning my vulnerability.

The Impact of the Masterclass

Students who completed the Masterclass experienced a  30% decrease in Impostor Syndrome as measured by the Impostor Phenomenon Scale in twelve weeks. They went from experiencing Imposter Syndrome frequently at the beginning of the course to moderately at the end.

30% decrease in impostor syndrome

What Happens When You Learn to Own Your Greatness?

Overcoming your impostor syndrome doesn’t necessarily make you more successful — it allows you to enjoy your success

The Value of the Masterclass is $28,600.
The cost of the 14 week Fall 2022 Master Class is $7997.

The Skills You Learn Here Will Help You Gain the Awareness, Insights, and Tools You Need to Feel Empowered In Your Life and Career

This Masterclass helps you develop community around the Own Your Greatness book and your journey of self-growth. If you have questions about a topic or are struggling to move through an exercise, it gives you the ability to make the book come alive and get the resources you need when you need them.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • ✓ For 14 weeks you have unlimited access to myself and Dr. Richard Orbe – Austin to support you in your journey to Overcome Impostor Syndrome. (Valued at $20,000)
  • ✓ 12 online video modules to complete during the course with supplemental worksheets, videos, tips and tools. (Valued at $3000)
  • ✓ A private slack channel where you can get support from your cohort, myself, and Dr. Richard Orbé – Austin.
  • ✓ Weekly Live Small Group Sessions with myself and Dr. Richard Orbe – Austin. (Valued at $5600)
  • ✓  Small Groups – space is limited, and all participants are pre-screened to ensure this is the right approach for them and all group members get the best possible support and community

Additionally, you will gain access to:

  • ✓ Accountability Partners – someone who knows how imposter syndrome works and has been there themselves so you can get advice that is actually helpful (instead of reinforcing self-doubt or unhealthy patterns)
  • ✓ A Proven Approach to Get Your Life & Career On Track – including hands-on support, videos, and practical exercises you can do on your own or with the support of the Own Your Greatness Masterclass community
  • ✓ Activities to Process and Catalogue Each Lesson You Learn
  • ✓ Additional Resources – journal prompts, calendars, and a variety of exercises to enhance your experience that are not included in the Own Your Greatness workbook
Forbes Article About How To Beat Impostor Syndrome

Good Morning America: Do You Have Imposter Syndrome?

“Own Your Greatness” author @drorbeaustin breaks down 5 myths of imposter syndrome and what the phenomenon actually is.

You are not alone – We’ve been there!

Let’s consider two people in similar jobs at similar companies. Both are hard-working. Both are successful. Both earn a healthy income.

Yet, only one of these professionals is thriving and happy. The other is always exhausted and too busy to focus on her personal and professional needs. She feels like she doesn’t have a choice about the direction of her career.

The truth is that having a “successful” career isn’t the same as having a satisfying one.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t have both. It all comes down to how you define success and what you need to feel happy.

Defining your own success isn’t always easy, though, especially when people dismiss the concerns you have about your current position. You’ve probably heard them say things like, “No one likes working, you have an amazing position and you should just be happy” as though that’s supposed to make you feel better!

You’re not alone—we’ve been there. Despite master’s degrees and doctorates, we felt like we had no options. We didn’t know what we wanted for ourselves, let alone how to achieve it. And our jobs didn’t leave much time or energy to figure it out.

As psychologists and executive coaches in New York City, we’ve been working with highly successful and accomplished individuals for over 15 years.

That’s why it’s so valuable to have the right support: a mentor or coach who understands what you’re going through and can help you find the best path for you and your unique skills, goals, and needs.

We’ve worked through imposter syndrome in our own lives, and we’ve helped hundreds of clients address their fears and do all the work they need to thrive.

As psychologists and executive coaches in New York City, we’ve been working with highly successful and accomplished individuals for over 15 years.


You’ll learn how to create a roadmap to overcome impostor syndrome — and then use that roadmap to finally beat self-doubt, and finally embrace your full potential — as we guide you through these 11 powerful training sessions.

Setting Up Your Smart Goals

Module 1

In this module, you’ll learn to use the well-established SMART goal-setting tool to plan and achieve your goals for this course. These goals will guide you and help you measure your progress during this course so you get the most powerful outcome possible.

 Get to know Dr. Richard & Dr. Lisa Orbé-Austin.

 Learn how to approach and plan to get the most out of the course.

 Discover all the elements of the course and how to use them best.

Overview and Assessment of Impostor Syndrome

Module 2

In order to address your impostor syndrome you need to become aware of how it is showing up in your life and the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors it is influencing. This module will show you how to do that.

  An overview of Impostor Syndrome

  Assessment of your own Impostor Syndrome scores (which you will compare to your impostor score after your transformation in the course)

Your Impostor Origin Story, Family Dynamics & Culture

Module 3

To experience true change you need to get to the root cause of your impostor syndrome.

 Finding its origin and what contributed to its development

 Identifying your unique signs and cycles of Impostor Syndrome

 Assessing its severity and its impact on your leadership & performance

 Understanding the effects of the dynamics of gender, culture, race & other identity aspects on your Impostor Syndrome

Discovering Your Impostor Syndrome Triggers

Module 4

Become aware of the situations and circumstances that will trigger your impostor syndrome complex. As you increase your awareness of your behaviors when triggered you’ll gain more control and be able to navigate “trap doors” with greater ease and get derailed less often.

   Learn to identify the scenarios, the themes and the triggers for your particular Impostor Syndrome experiences

  Understand what your typical feelings, thoughts and behaviors are during that time

  Identify the origins for your triggers and create a letting go process

Restorying Your Narrative

Module 5

In this module you begin the deep work of actually reprogramming your mind, to tell a new story. Students find this module incredibly empowering as they learn to craft a new narrative that supports the vision they have for their career and life — instead of the false impostor story that has kept them trapped in a cycle of struggle.

  Understanding your impostor syndrome narrative and how it shows up and impacts your work life

  Reflection on what aspects of the narrative you want to change.

  Craft an “autobiography” as a method of envisioning your future

  Use the technique of thickening your narrative to craft a narrative that is more in line with your vision

Internalizing Your Accomplishments & Speak Your Truth

Module 6

Not understanding or recognizing your worth is central to Impostor Syndrome. Often, when you struggle with it, you minimize your contributions, skills and strengths and see them as less valuable as other competencies you perceive yourself not to have. Making these strengths visible and part of your narrative is critically important to overcoming your Impostor Syndrome.

   Learn to identify confidants with whom to share true impostor syndrome experiences

  Taking an audit of competencies, accomplishments and skills with a grasp of the multiple intelligences framework

   Working on not erasing or making invisible your strengths

  Identifying those strengths and develop awareness of how to maximize in your advancement and leadership process

Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) & How to Silence Them

Module 7

Often Impostor Syndrome triggers automatic negative thoughts that reinforce behaviors and feelings related to your Impostor Syndrome. For example, if you make a mistake, you can have a catastrophizing ANT that tells you, “that was horrible – everyone can see you are not capable of taking up leadership on this project.” Working on recognizing your ANTs, labeling them and learning to counter them, helps you to develop a positive tape around triggers and turns the volume down on the ANTs and how they affect your experience of your competence.

 Learn the concept of ANTs and the categories of ANTs

 Identify the ANTs that are particularly problematic for you in your Impostor Syndrome experience

 Learn how to counter your ANTs with rational responding and challenging questions

 Develop the skills around creating a positive tape

Value & Develop a Structure Around Your Self-Care, Burnout & Boundaries

Module 8

One reason our students are so successful is we teach how to sustain your journey.
When you are focused on others for approval, you can lose focus on caring for yourself, setting boundaries and developing healthy habits, which lead to burnout.
The development of a self-care structure and plan become crucial for working on your Impostor Syndrome.

   Learn about the signs and symptoms of burnout

  Create boundary setting strategies – emotional, physical

  Assessing what are the contributors to your burnout

  Valuing yourself and understanding role clarity and expectations

  Dealing with perfectionism, learning how it functions and managing to shift it

  Developing self-care structure and strategies; understanding micro-habits; & self-care accountability

  Learning task and time management

  Learning mindfulness, breathing and meditation tools

Learning How to Experiment with New Roles

Module 9

The most common Impostor Syndrome trigger is a new role — but taking on a new role is a requirement for career advancement.
Often when you have Impostor Syndrome, you adhere to limited and rigid roles that don’t give you a lot of flexibility to learn, grow and make mistakes.
It becomes vitally important to give yourself the opportunity to take up new roles that allow for these experiences to develop your leadership potential.

 Develop role flexibility by understanding the typical roles that those with Impostor Syndrome take up (The Helper, The Superperson, The Failure Avoider, The Knowledge Hub and The Behind-the Scenes Leader)

 Understand the cost-benefit analysis of each role that you commonly take up

 Experiment with new roles that expand your repertoire and allow you to be a more versatile leader (e.g., The Help Seeker, The Risk Taker, The Collaborator, The Knowledge-Receiver, The Visible Leader)

 Learn to experiment with new roles in low stakes engagements

Establishing Your Dream Team

Module 10

Fighting Impostor Syndrome takes a community, but not just any community; you need to have people around you who understand Impostor Syndrome and how it functions for you and not accidentally reinforcing your Impostor Syndrome.

   Develop a team around you that supports you in particular roles

   What you are looking for in mentors to support overcoming Impostor Syndrome

  Learning the importance of vulnerability and reciprocity in these types of relationship

  Building skills to address ruptures and crafting feedback to your team members so they can be there for you in helpful ways

  Learning to practice the roles for others

Assessing Your Conditions for Optimal Performance

Module 11

Once you have built all the skills and tools to overcome your Impostor Syndrome, you have to prepare for consistently using them and contend with the obstacles that occur in everyday life to fall back into all patterns.
In the final module you will learn how to optimize performance post impostor syndrome.

 Distinguish between a lapse and a relapse

 Prepare to deal with survivor’s guilt

 A plan for maintaining your skills

 Consider how you may support others

So who can benefit from our Own Your Greatness Masterclass?:

  • People who work well in group settings (our small group size ensures you get additional support without losing the one-on-one attention you need)
  • People who have tried self-help books before and like an action-oriented, proactive approach that gives you clear steps and accountability so you can move through the program and start seeing results quickly)
  • People who benefit from a clear plan, structure, and schedule
  • People who want to see results fast (this time-limited Masterclass is designed to move you through the program efficiently so you can move forward in your life)

Throughout this 14-week action-oriented, skills-based online coaching program, you can:

  • Build a close community of professionals who understand where you are coming from and what it is you need to defeat imposter syndrome
  • Attend weekly small-group webinar calls with Drs. Lisa and Richard Orbé-Austin
  • Get a greater sense of the origin of your imposter syndrome
  • Understand your common ANTs that reinforce feelings of fraud that aren’t productive and learn how to internalize your strengths and accomplishments
  • Restructure your narrative and how you talk about yourself (to yourself and others)
  • Find ways to remediate triggers and trap doors when you talk about imposter syndrome
  • Identify productive ways to deal with lapse/relapse on your defeating imposter syndrome journey
  • Learn foundational skills for self-care
  • Build a team around you that knows how to support you as you recover from imposter syndrome
  • Learn how to experiment with new roles and try on new ways of being in the world that won’t reinforce imposter syndrome

To get all of this great access and work with experts to finally have all the tools to deal with your Impostor Syndrome, fill out the Masterclass 2023 Waitlist Form Today!

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Positive Reviews for Dynamic Transitions
Positive Reviews for Dynamic Transitions
Positive Reviews for Dynamic Transitions
Positive Reviews for Dynamic Transitions
Positive Reviews for Dynamic Transitions

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Have you heard any of these common myths and misconceptions?

Harvard Medical School
New York University
Harvard Graduate School of Education
4 A's Foundation
Yale University
Hispanic National Bar Association
University of California Riverside
Army Research Lab
Safe Horizon
Baruch College
College of the Holy Cross
Mayors Innovation Project
LEDA Career Network
Boston University
National Domestic Worker's Alliance
Prospect Park Alliance
Psychiatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians
University of Kentucky College of Medicine